Thursday, May 22, 2008

I think we have a winner!!!!

I think we have finally named our little girl. We wanted to try and put our names together somehow, and we were brainstorming in bed last night until about 12:00, and finally came up with Selia. Sal is definate on this one, he loves it, I think I am still trying to get used to it, or I am just waiting for the click that says "wow, this is the one!!" I really like this name, I think it is cute and we could just call her Lia for short, but I still think that we are just going to have to see what she looks like before I settle on a name for sure!!
Thanks to everybody for your cute suggestions, I really liked them all, I don't know why I am having such a hard time!!!!


Unknown said...

Aww! I really like the name Salia. It is too cute. And I was finally coming on here to give you some suggestions .. lol.

Combining your names is a great idea. I wish I could figure out how to combine Melissa & Cliff. =)

Brad said...

I don't get it... How is Selia a combination of your names? Oh well, it's a good one anyway!